* All testimonials are unsolicited and are included at the direct request of clients who are in treatment.
Feeling "lost" or "stuck" is a terrible feeling and most of the time, we feel alone and like everyone else has it together. The truth is, you too can get it together! Even if you suffer with depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges, we can work together to find your power. I find great success in helping you navigate these waters, develop goals and help you feel empowered and in control.
"Adulting" Challenges
"Adulting" Challenges
If you are someone who is trying to "figure it out" or "survive life," after a big transition like graduating high school, leaving for college, or trying to build your life on your own, we will simplify all the areas that seem so overwhelming to address. Speaking with someone with 20 years of experience as a therapist, will provide you the tools you need to not only "figure it out" but thrive!
Family/Relationship Troubles
Family/Relationship Troubles
Relationships are, by nature, challenging and difficult to manage from the inside; that's why working with a therapist, like myself, is so beneficial. My focus is on helping each member of the relationship recognize the "real issues," develop deeper understanding of themselves and each other and mend the broken ties that connected you in the first place.